When I listened at my speech recording, I noticed that I had this weird Vietnamese accent when I gave the speech, but usually I don't speak like that. Maybe it was because I was talking about Vietnam, or I was nervous or something. This semester has been good for me. I love Japanese class a lot not only because it's the most fun class, but also because I can see my classmates and sensei everyday. Our class is like a small family you know :). I was so happy to hear that a lot of you guys will continue 10AM section next semester. ^^ Next semester will be as tough, or even tougher, but all of us will do our best ne?
I wish you the best of luck on all of your exams. Don't do badly like I did in my Chem exam yesterday |D
Narika says bye to you [:
I think the peer editing for the speech project is helpful for both the editor and the writer. The writer can get comments from peers than from sensei, which makes it less threatening. Also the writer can see if his/her speech can be well understood by classmates who are in the same level, and not sensei alone. For the editor, he/she can learn some good context, grammar usage, creativity, etc... from the writer, and from there improving his/her Japanese skills. This way of learning is more encouraging for students.
Some negative aspects about peer editing is that the editing can be incorrect or both the writer and editor make the same mistakes. But mistakes are inevitable in learning. Because the student's learning process and the improvement are more important than being correct and getting good grades, peer editing is a good method to use in education.
Whoo, I took out a lot of stuff there. This one is exactly 500 words (Yay!). It was hard to keep it around 400-500 words since we count hiragana letters, not kanji (OTL).
Here is a music video showing how a typical Vietnamese elementary school is like.
So how did you guys do on the test today? I think I did worse this time T^T
++したう: to miss ++かなしい:sad
++つかれた: tired ++したう: to miss
++かなしい: sad ++いう: to say
あの、十一月はきましたね。時ははやいですよね。今月の天気はちょっとさむいです。私はさむい天気がきらいですから、元気じゃありませんよ。でも、がんばります!(^-^)b せん月は私はたくさんべんきょうしましたから、ひまな時があまりありませんでした。だから、あまりゲームをしませんでした。えもかきませんでした。私はアートのクラスがありますが、アートのしゅくだいがすきじゃありませんよ。私のアートのせんせいはアニメのえがきらいですから。>。<でも、私はアニメのえがだいすきですよ。みなさんはわかりましたね XP。このえはふるいですよ。私はこのえを八月にかきました。私はラグナロクオンラインのえをたくさんかきましたね。ラグナロクオンラインがだいすきですから。
++きょうしつ: classroom ++はやい: fast
++まどうし: wizard ++つよい: powerful
++ながい: long ++えし: artist ++たのしい: fun
A good blog is a blog that is updated regularly and interesting to read. For this blog project, a good blog is also one which people can learn a lot from. So I guess we should try to include these in the blog entries:
_Talk about your day and how your Japanese is going. Positive feelings about Japanese will encourage readers, and negative feelings will allow people to understand and help you out. でも、negative thoughts all the time can be very discouraging and readers won't want to read it.
_Try to put in Japanese words as much as possible. If you use unlearned material, then put the meaning next to it or at the end. That way the readers can learn new words too.
_Be concise and organized. Do not write super long posts that have no organization. Readers will get confused.
_It's a web log, so make use of the pictures, videos,... to modify your posts and make them more interesting.
_Nice design of blog can have an effect on readers too.
...and there are more but I cannot think of it right now.
あの、so if you guys think my blog is hard to read and understand at some point, please tell me so I can fix it. I want you guys to have a good time and enjoy yourself when you read my blog. :)
あはははは(笑) ¦D
Look how Google translated my Sakubun last chapter. It's so funny XDDDD. Lam-san and I are in the library right now and we kept laughing so hard because of this.I was stunned Virginia DAI two Delhi fault. I do not work the way it is appalled. This is my fault and toss to irises.
Lol, how about we all go date PoWs, with all our sugar honor. Then after that we can chew cane to walk home, with our PoWs lol XDD I don't know why this translation has so many military terms in it.
I am appalled wished to toss eight soldier it. Oh that much TABEMASEN cooked rice. I usually around nine o'clock warm you to the real YOMIMASU. In a bowl toss it from 9:45 to KYABERUHORU of dirt 432 to. We saw it in a real HANASHIMASU.
Well I am a 11-NYUKONBUHORU Duckling to TABEMASU cooked rice. In MOGETSU BIMOSUIYOUBIMOGOGO as a temporary Duckling TABEMASU to cooked rice. Then I had two good when KUREMONSU and chews cane to walk home. But also like many busy two or appalled at the labs. I usually six to TABEMASU cooked rice to pan. Well seven o'clock to lets out. Then all of the class to date POWs. 12 NEMASU around.
The YUUMATSUHAWATASHIHATAITEI computers. Sometimes BARAKKUSU shopping. The YUUMATSUNOBANNIWATASHIHAYOKUUCHIDE cartoons again. Sugar honor of this story that Zhou what? Your cartoons? "Breach" What?
So apparently Sato-sensei is Google translated into "sugar honor". And what's with Delhi? Alright, wanna know how it translate わたしはときどきダンスはしますよ、でもぜんぜんヒップホップダンスはしませんよ。すみません。? Here you go: "Yes. Sometimes I dance for you, but not very hip. Excuse me." XD Oh God!
You guys should put your skit or sakubun in Google translator and see what you got XP. Ok, I'm done now.
Ever heard of a ですノート? Here ya go. [linkie] I found the idea kinda humorous. Death to the 「です」! Say hi to the 「ます」, and then next chapter we will have 「ました」.
Sorry for the rant above. I just read the grammar for chapter 4 and the あります/いますis so special it confuses me. I haven't started on the grammar sheet yet, but I hope it will make everything clearer. Also, sorry for a stupid question, but what does TGIF mean? I saw that a lot in blogs and I have no idea what it stands for.
I rushed at the end on my Japanese test today. I wrote the last part in bad hiragana writing and I just put いいですね for every suggestions. I wanted to put a ちょっと somewhere but there wasn't enough time. Next test I will learn from this experience and work faster.
For the rest of the entry, I think I'll write about what I did during Fall break, Japanese wise. The material on chapter 3 allows me to do a lot of things. I chat on AIM with my friend in Japanese for the first time. She is in JAPN201 right now and you can visit her blog here. I learned a bit of new material from this conversation. Here is a part of it. My nickname is Narika, and hers is Ariander. Narika says :
Ariander says :
ああ、ナリカちゃんはとてもじょうず(Skillful)ですよ! がんばってね ^^
Narika says :
Ariander says :
(笑) いいえ!さとうせんせいはナリカさんのせんせいですよ XD
Narika says :
XD リンさんも
Narika says :
Ariander says :
はい、わたしはいまかなしい(Sad)ですよ。 ゲームをしたいです! D: (Verb stem + たいです=Want To・・・)
Narika says :
Ariander says :
Narika says :
I think I will AIM in Japanese a lot from now on. Also, during Fall break, I made an audio file based on my skit with イエさん, and I turned it into anime style, Lucky Star style. I have always wanted to do some voice acting in Japanese, so I gave it a try. I had a lot of fun doing this. Lucky Star is an anime about regular lives of high school students so it's very easy to integrate my skit into it. You can watch an episode of it here [linkie] to see what it is like and get accustomed to the characters.
Here is the audio file. It is about 7 min long. Sorry for any retarded noises, bad voice acting, wrong pronunciation, terrible sense of humor, and many other things that are in this audio file. If you don't understand some parts, don't worry about it because they are most likely jokes based on the anime. All the voices are done by me except for the opening song, the guy voices, background voices in the beginning, the "Mikuru beam" thing, and the super high voice saying "LUCKY CHANNEL!" Those voices are from the anime. Okay, enough talking. I hope you enjoy. I may make more in the future.
Just as I thought, this chapter's さくぶん is much more interesting than the previous chapters. I can write a lot more and it's easier to organize. I will be looking forward to the skit too.
このしゅうまつにみなさんはなにをしますか。For me I want to relax and catch up on some readings.
だい3か, 3ばんのポーストをかきませんか
きょうだい3かのぶんぼうはおもしいですね。I'm so glad that we got to learn some new verbs. The skit and さくぶん for this chapter will be much more interesting. I am amazed by how much I have learned in Japanese class. I knew a little bit of Japanese before taking this class, but I was often unsure about what I knew. But when さとうせんせい explains it, everything becomes much clearer to me. Now I am more confident in what phrase to use in what situation and so on.
I have no idea how I studied ひらがな and カタカナ back then, although I did relate some カタカナ to ひらがな and remember it that way. I think that I wrote it down a lot to memorize them, and I asked my cousin to give me some Japanese dictation. Dictation and reading really help you remember new characters. Dictation makes you practice recalling the characters, and reading helps you recognize them.
For fluency, guess what I did? I listen to a lot of Japanese songs and sing along with them, although I have no clue what they are saying XD. This is similar to how I improve my fluency in English too. I listened to a lot of English songs and resang them, without knowing the meaning. I like copying people speaking a foreign language because it sounds cool and it feels good too. :DOkay, picture time! I have no new picture to post so I just took a picture I drew last year. I haven't drawn anything lately because homework keeps piling D: I'm looking forward to reading day so much now. Anyway, this is a Suzumiya Haruhi fanart I drew last summer. You can click on it to see the full picture. I hate how Yuki turned out >.<, her face looks weird, and Haruhi's hand is soooo out of proportion lol XD. I don't like the anime much but I like the character designs, and the songs :P. I love Suzumiya Haruhi songs! Well, that is all for today. I didn't write much Japanese in this entry. So here goes, またあした。
++むずかしい: difficult
It seems like with this rate, all my blog entries will be dated on Thursday, haha XD. Other weekdays I can't find any time to write anything is this blog. Anyway, I just read and commented many blogs in our class, and now I see spots everywhere ¦D. I don't know if it happens to you guys, but I find it more difficult to read Japanese on a computer screen. My eyes went crazy on me. I hope you won't see spots everywhere like me.
Many people have posted about why they took Japanese, so I guess I will do it too. I have many reasons to take Japanese. First, I want to know another language, and I picked Japanese because it seems fun. The way Japanese sounds is nice to the ears :D. Second, I love the Japanese culture. Everything seems so interesting there and Japanese people are good at everything. They're good at making cars, animation, computer graphics, music and so much more. All those things inspire me a lot, so I want to learn more. It is also the reason why I like to draw anime-styled art, since Japanese art style gives me a strong impression. Third, my dad knows Japanese and he encourages me to take it. Anything for you おとうさん!!^-^ Ano, what else? I can't think of anything to write right now. I'll post my さくぶんsome other time. How about a picture? I like pictures :D
As you can already tell, I LOVE to draw in anime/manga style. It's a lot of fun to do ^^
これはわたしのゲームカラックターです。Ragnarok Online のカラックターですよ。なまえはストルミ・ナリカです。ナリカさんはじゅうななさいです。
Hello everyone. This is my first post in this blog. I like blogs but I never keep up with them. Hopefully I will frequently update this one. It's also a chance to practice my Japanese so I will do my best. Please help me correct any mistakes in my Japanese entries.