
あはははは(笑) ¦D

Look how Google translated my Sakubun last chapter. It's so funny XDDDD. Lam-san and I are in the library right now and we kept laughing so hard because of this.

I was stunned Virginia DAI two Delhi fault. I do not work the way it is appalled. This is my fault and toss to irises.
I am appalled wished to toss eight soldier it. Oh that much TABEMASEN cooked rice. I usually around nine o'clock warm you to the real YOMIMASU. In a bowl toss it from 9:45 to KYABERUHORU of dirt 432 to. We saw it in a real HANASHIMASU.
Well I am a 11-NYUKONBUHORU Duckling to TABEMASU cooked rice. In MOGETSU BIMOSUIYOUBIMOGOGO as a temporary Duckling TABEMASU to cooked rice. Then I had two good when KUREMONSU and chews cane to walk home. But also like many busy two or appalled at the labs. I usually six to TABEMASU cooked rice to pan. Well seven o'clock to lets out. Then all of the class to date POWs. 12 NEMASU around.
The YUUMATSUHAWATASHIHATAITEI computers. Sometimes BARAKKUSU shopping. The YUUMATSUNOBANNIWATASHIHAYOKUUCHIDE cartoons again. Sugar honor of this story that Zhou what? Your cartoons? "Breach" What?
Lol, how about we all go date PoWs, with all our sugar honor. Then after that we can chew cane to walk home, with our PoWs lol XDD I don't know why this translation has so many military terms in it.

So apparently Sato-sensei is Google translated into "sugar honor". And what's with Delhi? Alright, wanna know how it translate わたしはときどきダンスはしますよ、でもぜんぜんヒップホップダンスはしませんよ。すみません。? Here you go: "Yes. Sometimes I dance for you, but not very hip. Excuse me." XD Oh God!

You guys should put your skit or sakubun in Google translator and see what you got XP. Ok, I'm done now.

3 件のコメント:

Lavy さんのコメント...

my dear, did you chew cane to walk back to IRC??

リン さんのコメント...

Hehe, you totally caught me off guard on the phone a few minutes ago XD Sorry about forgetting that I had fencing T__T *sadsad*
Hilarious translation ^^ Sadly, my recent sakubun google translation wasn't nearly as funny as yours (:
"I'm not very hip. Excuse me."

クイエン さんのコメント...

@lavy: chew sugar cane
sao tu nhien muon an mia qua. |D

@lynn: 大丈夫、リンさん。:3
The more kanji you have, i guess the easier it is for google to translate correctly.